Moving to the USA
Important things you need to know
Start preparing early for your move. There will be many decisions to make and numerous things to take care of prior to your departure. These are some things to think about prior to your move.
Credit Report from your Origin Country
This is extremely helpful in the application process to rent housing. If this is not something that is common in your origin country, then any documentation that shows your payment history on a house payment, rent, credit card debt or anything else will be helpful. You are trying to show that you are a good risk as a tenant—someone who pays their debts in a timely manner.
In some situations, a letter from your bank stating how long you have been a customer, what your credit “rating” is, any past history with loans you have taken, for example, can assist you throughout the settling-in process here.
Deposits for Rental Housing
Plan to bring enough money to secure a rental property equal to two month’s rent; one month for the security deposit and one month for the first-month’s rent. In some instances, amounts equaling two month’s rent have been required for the security deposit because of lack of adequate credit history here.
Documents for School-Aged Children
School records are usually required when registering your child at a new school. Often, copies will not be sufficient, and records with a raised seal will be necessary. All documents must be in English or translated to English. Complete and accurate immunization records are required to enroll your child into a school in California. Doctors and dentists’ records are also helpful to have.
Click here for PDF for CA Immunization Requirements for Child Care.
Click here for PDF for Immunization Requirements for School Age Children.
Important Documents
There are numerous documents that you should bring with you. Do not pack these in your luggage or with your household goods move.
If married, original marriage certificate
Driver’s license from home country
Employment verification Letter (stating salary and start date)
Birth certificates of your children
Click here for Document Checklist.